Jan 31, 2020
tWoTcast episode 244 (The Eye of the World part 2)
Our second discussion of the Eye of the World, written by Robert Jordan! covering chapters 4 -7! Featuring Jono, Joe, and not Tom. Theme song by Taffy Bennington! We discuss the famous narg chapter through the eyes of a trolloc.
tWoTcast Patreon: (pssst...help us out.)
Jan 24, 2020
tWoTcast episode 243 (The Eye of the World part 1)
Our first discussion of the Eye of the World, written by Robert Jordan! covering the prologue - chapter 3! Featuring Jono, Joe, and not Tom. New theme song by Taffy Bennington! Its our thirty years of tWoT and ten years of tWoTcast bitches! ...and ladies. KFBR392....
Jan 17, 2020
tWoTcast episode 242 (Warrior of the Altaii part 5)
Our fifth and final discussion of Warrior of the Altaii, written by Robert Jordan! covering chapters 28 - 34! Featuring Jono, Joe, and not Tom. New theme song by Taffy Bennington! We discuss a little witcher and the last of the warrior of the altaii, that is until book...