May 10, 2013
Hey everyone! After a hundred and two episodes I finally got off my ass and made us a proper tWoTcast logo. So now you can finally have all those coveted tWoTcast products and tWoTshirts! (coined by G Kellum) youve been waiting for, and asking us for. Why you want to a wear our faces on your chests I'm not exactly sure...
May 7, 2013
tWoTcast episode 102 (Jordancon 5)
Our discussion of the events of Jordancon 5 or more likely what we can drunkenly remember. Featuring: Jono, Joe, Lauren and Tom. We discuss the future of the show leading up to Jordancon 6 where your beloved tWoTcast will be the toastmasters, a few barely remembered details of some...