Oct 26, 2019
tWoTcast episode 235 (Oathbringer part 23)
Our twenty-third discussion of Oathbringer, written by Brandon Sanderson, covering chapters 118 - 120! Featuring Jono, Joe, and Tom. No Thom in the tWoT show?! we hope not. Also Jono has shower thoughts about nine year old boys named kevin!
tWoTcast Patreon: (pssst...help us...
Oct 11, 2019
tWoTcast episode 234 (Oathbringer part 22)
Our twenty-second discussion of Oathbringer, written by Brandon Sanderson, covering chapters 114 - 117! Featuring Jono, Joe, and Tom. We realize all we need is a novella of Dalinar and Lift hanging out.
tWoTcast Patreon: (pssst...help us out.)
Oct 7, 2019
tWoTcast episode 233 (Oathbringer part 21)
Our twenty-first discussion of Oathbringer, written by Brandon Sanderson, covering chapters 109 - 113 and interludes 12 - 14! Featuring Jono, Joe, and Tom. We discuss our DragonCon trip and a little bit of Lan casting but we try to save the discussion for Tom. who's not here....